Wie sich Kinder im Jahre 1984 das Jahr 2020 vorstellten

Die Geschichte ist schon etwas älter aber trotzdem total aktuell. Gizmodo/PaleoFuture hatten vor zwei Jahren einen Zeitungsbeitrag der The Billings Gazette aus dem Jahre 1984 ausgegraben. Darin hatte die Redaktion mehrere Kinder Vorhersagen über das Jahr 2020 anstellen lassen. Und einige sind erstaunlich präzise – andere eher weniger.

Hier einige der Auszüge:

“Picture a personal computer at every desk. Each computer will be connected to the main computer in the school office The computers will grade the homework and tests instantly. They will even be used to take daily attendance. One advantage of using computers in education is a reduced school staff. There will be one teacher for each department to program the lessons. A few people will work In the main computer room, and aides will watch the television monitors posted in each room to prevent discipline problems “ – Mark Allen, Castlerock Junior High

“Automobiles will be silent and geared to flow smoothly from start to high speeds, eliminating screeching tires and thunderous mufflers. Atomic powered perhaps or by solar energy gathered in the entire outer material and becoming the propelling force through advanced technology. The fun vehicles will be a thing of the past and recognized via education as a means of non-sensate transportation, (no longer a play thing).” – S. Stuart Johnson, Sheridan, Wyoming

“People with big investments will have more say in governing the city through big-time politics.” – Brent Huseby, Red Lodge

“I think there will be new medical breakthroughs, such as a cure for the common cold, saving many more people from cancer, and hair-growing formulas.” – Allyson O’Loughlln, age 14, ninth grader, Lincoln Junior High

Kennt ihr noch andere Vorhersagen für das Jahr 2020?

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