Investor Dinner / Future Economy Support and web3

Good evening dear 1e9 community,

Hopefully everyone had a successful week and can now enjoy the weekend. :sunny:

What has happened?
So many crazy but also amazing things!

Lemontabs :lemon: one of my friends Anna from the startup Lemontabs was here for scale up her business by making a cooperation with universities and startup ecosystems in Munich, we discussed the web3 chances for digital business cards and data security in blockchain.

Manuel my web3, space tech and blockchain expert with several positions in DAO ecosystems gave me some great insights and updates - what are the most important advantages from around the globe :earth_americas:

With 1e9 we talked about future of economics, how we can support to grow businesses and transfer knowledge around the globe.

From my point of view, we need to co-operate with several partners and don’t think to small :ok_hand:t2:

→ think big and help each other for maximizing impact and success!

What about Investor dinner?
With capacura CEO Ingo we talked about growing fintech by networking and future thinking :thought_balloon: what’s next? Where we invest energy for a better future?

Full week, happy weekend :raised_hands::sparkles: