Hands-on Crypto Workshop: Crypto Market Analysis

The goal of this workshop is to learn how to do your own quantitative analysis of cryptocurrencies. You do not need to know how to program or do math. You will actually see how easy it is to get data on all of the cryptocurrencies and to start analyzing the data yourself! We will do the following exercises in the workshop:


  1. Pulling Coinmarketcap.com price data on over 2000 cryptographic assets into Google Sheets.
  2. Exploring the International Token Standardization Association (ITSA) Tokenbase and analyzing how much of Ethereum’s market capitalization comes from ERC-20 Tokens.
  3. Working with Python and Jupyter notebook to study the transaction volume and active user accounts.


Please log in and hit the “Teilnehmer” button above to enroll!

Hey Demelza,

would it be advised to bring a notebook/tablet to the workshop, or does it also make sense to attend without one?

Thank you very much!