Dr. Philipp Gerbert, General Managing Director, TUM Venture Labs

Dr. Philipp Gerbert, General Managing Director, TUM Venture Labs

Philipp Gerbert is General Managing Director of the TUM Venture Labs and Director of Applied AI. At TUM Venture Labs strives to boost the next generation of DeepTech and Life Sciences Ventures by a factor of 10 in close collaboration with the TUM. Within AppliedAI, he focuses on entrepreneurial application of AI in Germany and Europe, from start-ups to corporations.

For the previous 15 years Philipp was a Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group, focusing on AI for business. Other core interests and competences are Quantum Computing and Energy Technology/Climate action. He has been intensely engaged with the World Economic Forum, the BDI, MIT and TED in the above areas.

Philipp is a quantum physicist, received his Master from the Max-Planck-Institut/LMU and his PhD from MIT. He worked as a researcher at UCLA, and later for 5 years in Silicon Valley with The McKenna Group in technology strategies and investments.