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Speaker Profile

Er sucht nach Innovationen für die Bundeswehr:

Sven Weizenegger

Leiter CIHBw

Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr

Managing Director, Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub (CIHBw)
Sven Weizenegger is the director of the Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub – the digital innovation unit of the German armed forces – since June 2020. His tasks include top stakeholder management with federal ministers and state secretaries as well as the overall strategic and technological orientation of the CIHBw. The CIHBw is the first military digital innovation unit in Europe and a role model for comparable digital units in other German federal ministries and agencies.
Previously, Weizenegger held various management positions in nationally and internationally active corporations and startups. As Telekom's first official hacker, he rose to the board level, where he developed a new business and was responsible for end-to-end global collaborations with startups.
Most recently, he successfully built up the award-winning cybersecurity specialist Perseus as co-founder and CEO.
His many years of experience and extensive expertise in both public and private sectors are crucial for establishing and fostering an innovative startup culture in the Bundeswehr.

since 2020: Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub (CIHBw) - Managing Director
2019 – 2020: SUZA Technologies GmbH – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Co-founder
2017 – 2019: Perseus Technologies GmbH – Co-founder & Managing Director, Chief Technology and Product Officer
2015 – 2017: Kreditech Holding SSL GmbH – Senior Vice President - Security (CISO)
2013 – 2015: T-Systems International GmbH – New Business & Innovation, Board Member Support
2002 – 2013: T-Systems International GmbH – Professional Hacker & Security Consultant, Lead of New Business & Innovation

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