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Speaker Profile

Sascha Müller-Kraenner

Executive Director

Deutsche Umwelthilfe

Since January 2015, Sascha Müller-Kraenner has served as Executive Director/CEO of Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V., DUH). DUH is a leading environment and consumer ad-vocacy organization that works mostly at the German state and national as well as on the European level. Before joining DUH, Müller-Kraenner held various positions at the international environmental organisation "The Nature Conservancy", which campaigns for the preservation of ecologically valuable lands and waters. In 2008, he founded the first European office of TNC, which he led as managing director until 2013. Until he joined DUH in January 2015, Sascha Müller-Kraenner was the Regional Managing Director at TNC, in charge of its Europe Programme and heading teams in Berlin and Lon-don.
He is also a founding partner and board member to Ecologic Institute, a non-profit applied environ-mental policy research institute with offices in Berlin, Vienna, Brussels and Washington DC. Ecologic Institute was recently ranked as the 6th most important environmental think-tank worldwide by the University of Pennsylvania’s global “Go-To Think Tanks Index”.
From 2003-2006, Sascha Müller-Kraenner served as the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Director for Europe and North America, as well as head of the Foundation’s program on foreign and security policy. From 1998 - 2002 he served as Director of the Foundation’s office in Washington DC.
From 1991 to 1998, at the German League for Nature and Environment (Deutscher Naturschutzring, DNR), he was responsible for the European and International Department of the umbrella organisation of environmental and conservation organisations operating in Germany. During this time, Sascha Mül-ler-Kraenner also built up the Berlin office of the DNR. In 1995, Müller-Kraenner was the spokesperson for the Climate Forum 95 of German NGOs at the first Climate Change Conference in Berlin.
Before that he served as chief of staff of Kornelia Müller, a Green member of the State Parliament of Saxony.
He was awarded fellowships by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Prince of Wales’ Business and the Environment Programme, and most recently as a World Fellow at Yale University.
In the past years, Müller-Kraenner has taught international environmental policy at the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), has served as chair of the faculty at the Salzburg Seminar, and regularly spoken at renowned universities and research institutes in Europe, Asia and North America. He has published extensively on international relations, European integration and environmental diplomacy and the United Nation’s climate change treaty. He is a regular contributor to “Internationale Politik”, the lead-ing foreign policy journal in German language. His latest book “Energy Security” was published in Oc-tober 2008 by Earthscan (London; Sterling VA).

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