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Von der Medizin-Nobelpreisträgerin zum erfolgreichen Start-up-Gründer, vom Experimentalphilosophen zur KI-Pionierin: Wir hatten sie schon auf der Bühne! Hier eine Übersicht über alle Speaker seit 2019. 

Choose your 1E9 Event(s):
TRUEB,  Interaction & Spatial Design


Interaction & Spatial Design

Tamiko Thiel, Tamiko Thiel Studio

Tamiko Thiel

Tamiko Thiel Studio

Claude Toussaint, navel robotics GmbH

Claude Toussaint

navel robotics GmbH

Christopher Trummer, TUM Venture Labs

Christopher Trummer

TUM Venture Labs

Yolanda Uriz Elizalde, Yolanda Uriz Elizalde

Yolanda Uriz Elizalde

Yolanda Uriz Elizalde

Sandra Vengadasalam, Max Planck Society

Sandra Vengadasalam

Max Planck Society

Danijel Višević, World Fund

Danijel Višević

World Fund

Maya Volwahsen, BMW Foundation and RESPOND

Maya Volwahsen

BMW Foundation and RESPOND

Sebastian Völkl, Dalus

Sebastian Völkl


Tarek Waked, Type One Ventures

Tarek Waked

Type One Ventures

Luise Wank, Freelance

Luise Wank


Taras Weinl, GATE Space GmbH

Taras Weinl

GATE Space GmbH

Sven Weizenegger, Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr

Sven Weizenegger

Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr

Antoine Welter, Circu Li-ion

Antoine Welter

Circu Li-ion

Anne Wichmann, She's Excited, Inc.

Anne Wichmann

She's Excited, Inc / ARORA / XRE (Extended Reality Ensemble)

Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich & Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH

Robert Wille

Technical University of Munich & Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH

Tim Wirtz, Fraunhofer institut of Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS)

Tim Wirtz

Fraunhofer institut of Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS)

Florian Wolf, TUfast Racing Team

Florian Wolf

TUfast Racing Team

Lars Wüstemann, TUM

Lars Wüstemann


Rafal Zalech, Nimikry Music OG

Rafal Zalech

Nimikry Music OG

Marie Tai, Possible Ventures

Marie Tai

Possible Ventures

Alain Thierstein, TUM

Alain Thierstein


Tilen Travnik, Juicy Marbles

Tilen Travnik

Juicy Marbles

Matthias Tschöp, Helmholtz Munich

Matthias Tschöp

Helmholtz Munich

Daniel Valenzuela, World Fund

Daniel Valenzuela

World Fund

Laura Verbeek, Deutsches Museum

Laura Verbeek

Deutsches Museum

Joram Voelklein, Alpine Space Ventures

Joram Voelklein

Alpine Space Ventures

Shermin Voshmgir, Cryptoeconomics Institute, Vienna University // Founder of BlockchainHub

Shermin Voshmgir

Martin Waehlisch, United Nations

Martin Waehlisch

United Nations

Ulrich Walter, TUM

Ulrich Walter


Soshy aka. Sophie Wanninger, radio80k

Soshy aka. Sophie Wanninger


Marc Weinstein, Principal, Venture Capital, Wave Financial

Marc Weinstein

Martin Welker, Metawatches GmbH

Martin Welker

Metawatches GmbH

Robin Wenk, Lightshape GmbH & Co. KG

Robin Wenk

Lightshape GmbH & Co. KG

Tobias Wiethoff, Planetarium Bochum

Tobias Wiethoff

Planetarium Bochum

Andrea Willmeroth, Senior Vice President Corporate Digital and Innovation / Business Administration, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

Andrea Willmeroth

Stephanie Wissmann, secublox GmbH / Universität der Bundeswehr

Stephanie Wissmann

secublox GmbH / Universität der Bundeswehr

Ronit Wolf, Munich Science & Fiction Festival, Princess of the Western Spiral Arm of the Milkyway

Ronit Wolf

John Xin, CEO, Lunewave

John Xin

Yalda Zamani, Contemporary Chamber Orchestra Elbe GbR

Yalda Zamani

Contemporary Chamber Orchestra Elbe GbR

Marcus Tandler, Ryte GmbH

Marcus Tandler

Ryte GmbH

Emilia Tikka, Aalto University

Emilia Tikka

Aalto University

Ewa Treitz, Sr Business Development Manager Startups & VC, Amazon Web Services

Ewa Treitz

Markus Turber, Intuity

Markus Turber


Tatjana Vall, Freelancer

Tatjana Vall


Lina Vieres, Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Lina Vieres

Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Patrick Vogel, ALT/SHIFT

Patrick Vogel


Andrey & Juliana Vrady, digital artists

Andrey & Juliana Vrady

Klaus Wagenbauer, Plectonic Biotech GmbH

Klaus Wagenbauer

Plectonic Biotech GmbH

Justine Walter, Digital Impact Labs Leipzig GmbH

Justine Walter

Digital Impact Labs Leipzig GmbH

Francisco Webber, CEO & Co-founder

Francisco Webber

Laura Weisenburger, Wort&Bild Verlag

Laura Weisenburger

Wort&Bild Verlag

Cassi Welling, ConstellR

Cassi Welling


Daniel B.  Werner, co:nufactur GmbH

Daniel B. Werner

co:nufactur GmbH

Wolfgang Wildgen, University of Bremen, FB 10

Wolfgang Wildgen

University of Bremen, FB 10

Karin Wimmer, Digital Art Space

Karin Wimmer

Digital Art Space

Christiane Wittig, Art

Christiane Wittig


Alexandra Wolf, a wolf project

Alexandra Wolf

a wolf project

Wenmiao Yu, Quantum Dice

Wenmiao Yu

Quantum Dice

Dr. Michael Zargham, CEO, BlockScience

Michael Zargham

Vanessa Theel, SUMM AI GmbH

Vanessa Theel


Lina Timm, Media Lab

Lina Timm

Media Lab

Helmuth Trischler, Deutsches Museum and Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

Helmuth Trischler

Deutsches Museum and Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

Benjamin Unger, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart

Benjamin Unger

Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart

Katja Vedder, MakerCube

Katja Vedder


David Vigor, Head of Business Development EMEA, Yonomi

David Vigor

Max Vogelsberger, PwC

Max Vogelsberger


Ronnie Vuine, micropsi industries

Ronnie Vuine

micropsi industries

Sven Wagner, Sartorius

Sven Wagner


Christian Walter,  Founding Partner, SDGx

Christian Walter

Sandro Weber, TUM

Sandro Weber


Gregor Weisgrab, Biomotion

Gregor Weisgrab


Mathieu Wellner, WELL

Mathieu Wellner


Josh Western, Space Forge

Josh Western

Space Forge

Tatjana Wilk, MCQST

Tatjana Wilk


Mark Windeknecht, World Fund

Mark Windeknecht

World Fund

Jo B. Woehrstein, DEOXY GmbH

Jo B. Woehrstein


Eva Wolfangel, freelance

Eva Wolfangel


Yingzi Yuan, Metaverse Summit

Yingzi Yuan

Metaverse Summit

Nicole Zaunrith, Deutsches Museum

Nicole Zaunrith

Deutsches Museum

Miriam Theobald, Things move China GmbH

Miriam Theobald

Things move China GmbH

Mariia Tintul, Startup Wise Guys

Mariia Tintul

Startup Wise Guys

Rüdiger Trojok, Bio.Kitchen Lab Lead, UnternehmerTUM Gmbh

Rüdiger Trojok

Justin Urbach, Freelancer

Justin Urbach


Aline Vedder, Investor, Ananda Impact Ventures

Aline Vedder

Bernd Villhauer, Weltethos-Institut

Bernd Villhauer


Marc Oliver  Voland, Storymaker

Marc Oliver Voland


Anela Vukoja, Apollo Health Ventures

Anela Vukoja

Apollo Health Ventures

Dirk Wagner,

Dirk Wagner

Jiawen Wang, Siemens Advanta Consulting

Jiawen Wang

Siemens Advanta Consulting

Tobias Weinert, WARR e.V. - TU München

Tobias Weinert

WARR e.V. - TU München

Tobias Weissgerber, DeepTech & Climate Fonds Management GmbH

Tobias Weissgerber

DeepTech & Climate Fonds Management GmbH

Isabell Welpe, Professor and Head of the Strategy and Organisation Research Group, TU München

Isabell Welpe

Hendrik Wever, HyphaGrowth

Hendrik Wever


Nadine Wilke, Particula GmbH

Nadine Wilke

Particula GmbH

Maru Winnacker, Urania Ventures

Maru Winnacker

Urania Ventures

Benjamin Wolba, European Defense Tech Hackathon

Benjamin Wolba

European Defense Tech Hackathon

Keesiu Wong, Helsing

Keesiu Wong


Zaid Zaim, Student

Zaid Zaim

Dominik Zehnder, Fraunhofer IIS

Dominik Zehnder

Fraunhofer IIS

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