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Speaker Profile

In VR eintauchen in das Miteinander von Natur und Mensch mit...

Emilia Sánchez Chiquetti

Producer and Director


Emilia is an Argentine-Brazilian director and producer who graduated from the University of the Arts in Buenos Aires.

She specializes in creating audiovisual , theatrical , and extended reality (XR) works that explore the synergies between bodies, spaces, and narratives. Her most recent project, "Origen," had its world premiere at the 80th Venice Biennale and has garnered significant acclaim. It has been recognized as of Cultural Interest by the Argentine Embassy in Colombia and awarded the Unity for Humanity Environment and Sustainability Award. Additionally, it has been nominated for several prestigious awards, including the Best Social Impact Award at the Unity Awards 2023, the Fight Climate Change AWE XR 2023, and the LAVAL awards in France. "Origen" was also
nominated for Best of XR at Games for Change 2024 in New York and won the award for Best Storytelling in Art VR at the Czech Republic Art VR Festival.
The experience has been showcased at numerous prestigious events such as lmmersive Tech Week in Rotterdam, Imagine Film Festival in the Netherlands, Dok Fest in Munich, Festival of the Future in Munich, Shanghai International Film Festival, Beijing International Film Festival, Istanbul Digital Art Festival, Anifilm in the Czech Republic, and Docs Against Gravity in Poland, among others. It was recognized by the XR Must survey as one of the top five favorite experiences at the Biennale 2023 and praised by Kent Bye as one of his favorite experiences for its implementation of redirected walking in standalone VR with hand tracking .

Emilia has produced and directed over 70 360-degree commercials in South America, Central America, the United States, and Europe.

She directed the 360-degree live streaming of the Cosquín Rock Argentina festival, which was viewed by 170,000 people.

In 2015, Emilia founded Presencias, a studio that produces interdisciplinary works, including the first immersive theater play in Bogotá's planetarium dome.

Her debut film, "El próximo guardián," was awarded at the SHH International Mountain Film Festival.

Emilia has written and directed theatrical plays in unconventional spaces and created immersive content for various museums and national parks, including the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina, Ministry of Culture of Argentina, Pueblos Auténticos, Generación Dorada for Tecnópolis, Parques Nacionales Esteros del Iberá, Torres del Paine, and others.

She established a workshop-laboratory for performance poetry research in immersive narratives at the National University of the Arts and served as a curator for the XRAR Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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