
Speaker Profile
Christiane Wittig
Christiane Wittig is an artist, lecturer and works in the field of multimedia, interactive art. She was born in Germany, graduated as a Media Artist from the Bauhaus-University Weimar in 2002. She continued to develop her artworks in Sydney, Australia and Brussels, Belgium where she did postgraduate study in Art, Media and Design at Transmedia LUCA School of Arts Brussels, Belgian. In 2006 she was awarded a scholarship from the Else-Heiliger-Fond (EHF) at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Berlin.
In 2013, Wittig developed a light sculpture with scientists from the Fraunhofer-Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS, which was represented in various exhibitions.
Currently she is one of the winner of the "Artist in Lab 2022" competition of the Fraunhofer-Network for Art, Design and Science and she is working with scientists from the Fraunhofer IWU in and the TU Chemnitz on the completion of an interactive sculpture "Metaxy=Carousel of the Senses". She received a grant for her Artwork from the “Stiftung Kunstfonds” in Germany 2022. The resulting performance "Sensuality in the Dream Machine" will be performed at the "Kammermachen Festival" in Chemnitz in the Weltecho gallery 2023.
Wittig’s projects include interactive media installations as well as film, sculpture and photography. Her interactive compositions bring the spectator into the fragile cycle of emergence and misdemeanours. In the interactive installations, Christiane Wittig has produced to date, the body and technology are prominent themes, as they relate to the concepts of preservation, endurance and fragility. At the beginning She realized sound and video works that have developed into interactive room installations, objects, performances and cybernetic machines. By making the structure of machines visible, the complexity of life, body and world is to be shown through apparently subtle properties such as light, breath and warmth. It's about poetry in the vehicle of mechanical constructions. Christiane Wittig combines new techniques and technologies, borrowing from a wide variety of art forms: videos, photos, objects, ready-mades, kinetic art, theatre and music. In times of artificial intelligence and extended realities, she deals practically, theoretically and philosophically with the associated technical possibilities, such as augmented reality and its sensual experiences. Her work has been exhibited in various private and corporate collections in Belgium and Germany. She worked as a docent at the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. Since 2014 she lives in Leipzig, Germany.
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