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- Work in progress -

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Interactive Session



Festival Opening: Welcome to Future Island!

27.6.24, 07:30



Dome Stage

The official opening of the Festival der Zukunft 2024 by your hosts from 1E9 and Deutsches Museum! More details will follow soon.

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One on One



Forschen, Gründen, Verändern: Wie aus Wissenschaft Lösungen und neue Industrien werden

27.6.24, 08:00



Dome Stage

Dieses 1:1 beleuchtet, welche Strategie von politischen Entscheidungsträgern verfolgt wird, um wissenschaftliche Forschung in Bayern noch effektiver in innovative Lösungen und neue Industrien zu überführen. Diskutiert werden unter anderem Strategien zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Technologietransfers von der Forschung in die Wirtschaft, insbesondere in Start-Ups. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf Bayerns Potenzial in zukunftsträchtigen Technologiebereichen wie der Künstlichen Intelligenz und den Maßnahmen, um im internationalen Wettbewerb eine Führungsrolle einzunehmen. Das Gespräch wird sowohl die Herausforderungen als auch die Chancen bei der Förderung eines unternehmerischen Ökosystems beleuchten, das Spitzenforschung in erfolgreiche Unternehmen und Produkte umwandeln kann.

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Artificial Intelligence


Generative AI: Unleashing Our New Superpower or Hitting PeakAI?

27.6.24, 08:00



Theater Stage

Björn Ommer's research group is teaching computers to "see" - to understand and learn from our world simply by watching it. Although true image understanding is still an ambitious goal, this research has already demonstrated its great transformative power: recently, the group has published a generative AI known as "Stable Diffusion", which is now democratizing the creation of visual content and opening up new directions in the arts, media, entertainment, and beyond. Björn is fascinated to see what we will be able to create with improved support by computers in the future, when AI is turning them into more powerful AND more accessible tools. He also sees a great need for public dialogue on how societies can positively embrace this powerful technology to maximize the benefit for the masses and minimize its risks.

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Artificial Intelligence


Evolving better AI systems

27.6.24, 08:20



Theater Stage

A combination of big data, big compute and novel architectures has given us ChatGPT, Claude and Gemini. These models are capable of succeeding in increasingly challenging tasks. But the data and compute requirements are staggeringly high. The models still hallucinate and lack the ability to reason or plan. What will it take to get AI significantly beyond its current capabilities? We discuss this through a combination of ideas in mathematics, computer science and neuroscience.

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Space, Climate Tech


A sustainable future from and in space – Things are only impossible until they are not!

27.6.24, 08:30



Dome Stage

With the help of satellite data, we can communicate, navigate from A to B or gain important insights into the climate change and biodiversity. We owe numerous innovations and future technologies to space research – for example in the fields of robotics, microelectronics and materials science. In short: without space, our modern life would look very different! Chiara will not only talk about how important space is for sustainable life on Earth. She will also shed light on the challenges that space must face in order to become more sustainable.

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Artificial Intelligence


Unlocking the Power of Open Source in the Age of AI

27.6.24, 08:40



Theater Stage

As AI research and development rapidly accelerate, the principles of open source have become crucial for fostering trust, enabling reproducibility, and driving responsible innovation. This talk explores the pivotal role of open source in the era of AI, highlighting its significance in promoting transparency, collaboration, and adherence to scientific best practices. Drawing insights from the EU AI Act's emphasis on openness for high-risk AI models, we'll examine how embracing open source datasets, code, and models can align AI development with ethical principles and societal expectations. Join us as we discuss practical strategies for leveraging open source to unlock the full potential of AI while ensuring accountability and mitigating biases.

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Interactive Session


Welcome to the Future Box - Day 1

27.6.24, 08:50



Future Box

Es geht los und wir freuen uns euch unsere neue Bühne zu zeigen. Welcome to Future Island & welcome to the Future Box - Tag 1

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Interactive Session

Artificial Intelligence, Arts & Culture, Future of the Web, XR


Wer sind wir im Metaverse?

27.6.24, 09:00



Future Box

Personalität, Entscheidungsfreiheit und Selbstbestimmung scheinen in digitalen und virtuellen Szenarien grenzenlos. Was sagen die artifiziellen Personen, die wir erschaffen, über uns aus? Wer sind wir im Metaverse? In dieser Session verhandeln eine Künstlerin, ein Philosoph und eine Journalistin das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen menschlichen Gesellschaften und der digitalen Welten. Nach zwei Inputs mit Einblicken in die künstlerischen Praxis von Katharina Haverich und in die Lehre und Forschung von Jörg Noller, schreiten sie mit Technologie-Journalistin Eva Wolfangel die Schlüsselthemen ab: # Digitale Identitäten: Wie konstruieren und verhandeln Individuen ihre Identitäten in den virtuellen Welten? # Techno-kulturelle Landschaften: Das Internet und das Metaverse sorgen für eine rasante Verbreitung von kulturellen Artefakten und Praktiken. Sie dienen als Arenen für kulturelle Produktion, Zirkulation und Hybridisierung, Grenzenverwischung zwischen lokalen und globalen Kulturen. # Digitale Ungleichheiten: Digitale Technologien versprechen zwar Konnektivität und Selbstbestimmung, verschärfen aber auch bestehende soziale Ungleichheiten. # Ethische Dilemmas: Die zunehmende Verbreitung datengesteuerter Technologien wirft ethische Fragen in Bezug auf Privatsphäre, Überwachung und Zustimmung auf. # Zukünftige Horizonte: Was liegt in der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Landschaft der digitalen Anthropologie vor uns?

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Interactive Session

Space, Arts & Culture


Space Trash Signs: Understanding Space Pollution

27.6.24, 09:00



Dome Stage

Space exploration is skyrocketing. And with it comes the problem of trash. Over 160 million pieces of trash threaten all functional space infrastructure, and ultimately, our ability to utilize a finite resource. Whether one can see it or not, space pollution has several consequences for life on Earth. Join us as we visualize these consequences with Space Trash Signs — constellations made from space debris. In this talk, we will also explore different approaches to solving the problem of space pollution.

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Panel Discussion

Artificial Intelligence


Getting AI Right!

27.6.24, 09:00



Theater Stage

As AI technology rapidly evolves, the debate intensifies between adopting open-source versus closed-source frameworks. In the "Getting AI Right" panel discussion, experts including Prof. Björn Ommer, Anastasia Borkovykh from Liquid AI & Imperial College London, and Robert Kaczmarczyk from LAION, will tackle this pivotal issue. They will explore the specific benefits and challenges associated with each model, and how these choices influence the broader implications for innovation, security, and ethical governance in AI. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic decisions shaping the future of AI in both the technological and regulatory landscapes.

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Interactive Session

Business Track, Innovation


Unlocking Your Corporate Innovation DNA (Business Track)

27.6.24, 09:30



Club Stage

Was macht Innovation aus? Wie schafft man im Unternehmen Raum für Innovation? Und welche Rolle spielt Kooperation für Innovation? Diese Session gibt Antworten. Nur mit Business Ticket! What defines innovation? How can space for innovation be created within a company? And what role does cooperation play in fostering innovation? This session provides answers. Only with Business Ticket!

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Panel Discussion

Climate Tech


How Nature Based Carbon Drives a New Economy

27.6.24, 09:30



Dome Stage

The panel highlights the importance of Nature Based Solutions (NBS), CO2-Removals and Cooling – long-term, verifiable CDRs. To understand what NBS are and what a market for it could look like, we have gathered experts from four fields: science and standards, government perspective, demand side, and supplier of a cooling product. Markus Turber from Intuity Media Lab, a strategic design agency from Stuttgart, will moderate the discussion.

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Session 1 - 27.6. - Experience Area

27.6.24, 09:30



Experience Area

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Artificial Intelligence, Future of the Web


AI in Marketing: Meeting the Moment with Action + Change

27.6.24, 09:50



Theater Stage

A new era in marketing is upon us. Consumers want a new relationship with brands that respects their data and gives them relevant and personalized experiences. Business leaders want more from Marketing – demonstrable value as a powerful and reliable growth driver just as third-party cookies are going away. AI will help brands in this moment by reimagining how marketing delivers measurement, media, and creative.

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Interactive Session

Artificial Intelligence, Arts & Culture, Future of the Web, Society


For the world to live, capitalism needs to die
(Filmvorführung und Diskussion)

27.6.24, 10:00



Future Box

Der Kurzfilm "Hardly Working" bringt Statist:innen eines Videospiels ans Licht: NPCs. Die nicht-spielbaren Figuren erzeugen ein Gefühl der Normalität in der digitalen Welt. Mit ethnografischer Präzision beobachtet der Film eine Wäscherin, einen Stallknecht, eine Straßenkehrerin und einen Handwerker in ihrer täglichen Routine. Ihre Tätigkeitschleifen werden nur durch Bugs durchbrochen. Als Sisyphus-Maschinen zeichnen sie ein plastisches Bild der Arbeit in Zeiten des Kapitalismus. Nach dem Screening ihres Films gibt das Kollektiv "Total Refusal" einen Einblick in seine künstlerische Praxis, bei der es immer auch um die Frage eines kollektiven Auswegs aus der Höllenmaschine Kapitalismus geht. Mithilfe der Aneignung der Welten von Videospielen schaffen sie Essays zwischen Komik, Medienreflexion und Gesellschaftskritik, die auf einen Bruch mit dem "Capitalist Realism" und um die politische Radikalisierung des Publikums abzielen.

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Climate Tech


Closing the Loop: A Reality Check Towards Printing a Sustainable Future

27.6.24, 10:15



Dome Stage

Let's embark on a transformative journey to explore how Additive Manufacturing (AM) can turn waste into value, unlocking the full potential of this key technology for a sustainable future. We'll conduct a reality check to identify which approaches are truly viable and impactful. Discover the innovative pathways and practical strategies that make AM a cornerstone in the quest for sustainability.

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Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Business Track


The AI-proof culture - Eine Organisations-Kultur schaffen, die offen für Veränderung & Innovation ist (Business Track)

27.6.24, 10:30



Club Stage

Die Kultur einer Organisation bildet das Fundament für jede Veränderung und Innovation. Insbesondere in einer Welt, die von der rasanten Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) geprägt ist, ist eine veränderungsoffene und innovationsfreundliche Kultur unerlässlich. Diese Keynote beleuchtet, wie eine "AI-proof culture" entscheidend zur erfolgreichen Integration von KI in Unternehmen beitragen kann. Aber was verbirgt sich dahinter? In der Keynote werden die Merkmale, darunter eine starke Fehlerkultur, Agilität, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Kundenfokus, unternehmerisches Denken sowie Innovation und Kreativität, aufgezeigt. Zudem wird erläutert, was auf individueller, Team- und Organisationsebene erforderlich ist, um eine "AI-proof culture" zu fördern. Key Takeaways liefern abschließend wertvolle praktische Einsichten und Handlungsempfehlungen. Nur mit Business Ticket!

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Generating the 3D World of Tomorrow

27.6.24, 10:30



Dome Stage

The future awaits – and it’s three-dimensional! Imagine designing, modeling and simulating an entire factory, city or even a planet - including your product ideas. That’s the power of virtual twin experiences – and all starting with a 3D model. Join Jeroen Buring, Senior Sales Director Central Europe at Dassault Systèmes, for an engaging and visionary session where he will showcase how the seamless integration of AI and virtual twin technology is driving sustainable innovation, enhancing decision-making, and fostering collaboration. Real-world examples from pioneering start-ups will illustrate the immense possibilities of a fully interconnected 3D ecosystem, where the real and virtual world merge to create more resilient, efficient, and intelligent environments - for a better tomorrow!

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One on One

Arts & Culture, Space


Cosmic Connectivity: Jonathon Keats' Vision for Intergalactic Community

27.6.24, 10:50



Future Box

Join us for a compelling conversation with experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats as he unveils his latest groundbreaking projects at Festival der Zukunft. Explore the Stellar Tanning Salon, where visitors can bask in the simulated light of stars such as Vega and Betelgeuse, bringing the experience of space to Earth. Discover the cosmic archipelago on Museum Island, a creative installation that invites beings from across the universe to mingle and enjoy Martian and terrestrial mineral waters. Keats will discuss how these projects aim to democratize space tourism and foster a sense of cosmic community. Delve into the science and philosophy behind these experiences that seek to bridge the gap between humanity and the cosmos, promoting accessibility and interstellar connection.

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Innovation, Entrepreneurship


The 1E9 Start-up Competition (Part 1)

27.6.24, 11:00



Theater Stage

Entrepreneurs have the incredible potential to solve the world's biggest challenges, and the 1E9 Start-up Competition at the "Festival der Zukunft" showcases this perfectly. Ten innovative teams pitch their exciting ideas to a panel of expert judges, covering diverse fields from Climate Tech to AI and Space. Discover groundbreaking solutions and be inspired by the creativity and cutting-edge technology aimed at making the world a better place.

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